Un don exceptionnel

Notre doyenne, Jacqueline Carron (née en 1920), veut transmettre au plus grand nombre d’amateurs et de professionnels de la couleur, son expérience si longue et si exceptionnelle. Lisez son message ici !

Message from Jacqueline Carron to the AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur, dont le CFC est membre représentant pour la France)

Dear AIC members,
Some of you have known the CFC for a long time, created in 1976 and which, in its first structure, participated in the creation of the AIC. Some members who have taken part in the activities of the AIC since its creation are now very old. Robert Sève, physicist, just turned 100 in July and Jacqueline Carron, painter, is approaching 103 years old.

Read her message below:

I registered with the AIC in 1967, right from its inception. My name is Jacqueline Carron, and I am French. I met Professor Parra at the Museum of Natural History in Paris, where he taught the study of color. At that time, he was seeking painters, which allowed me to enroll instantly. As an artist, I embarked on a journey to explore the science of color. I then compiled my knowledge and sensitivity into a book, bridging the gap between art and science. Concurrently, I taught about color and wrote articles for the CFC. I even had the opportunity to showcase my work at Beaubourg during a dedicated exhibition. In 2014, I published a book titled « The Structure and Audacity, » first in French, and later had it translated into English. I still have the majority of my books in English, as I do not have a publisher. Would you be interested in these works? At the venerable age of over a hundred years, I am eager to share my work, hence my question: can I send you copies of my books in English? If so, could you kindly provide me with your postal address so I can send them to you? I sincerely thank you for the attention you have shown to my artistic and scientific endeavors. It would be my great joy and profound honor to send you some copies of my book in English. Your interest in my works fills me with immense gratitude. I also feel a personal responsibility to contribute to the dissemination of my knowledge worldwide, as I would be saddened to depart without having successfully promoted my book. The idea of my work not reaching a wider audience troubles me deeply. If my work can bring even a hint of inspiration or enrichment to a broader public, it would fulfill me with happiness. Transmitting knowledge and creativity is a value that holds a special place in my heart. Once again, thank you for your interest in my works. Please feel free to share your feedback or any other inquiries regarding my work.
I am available to provide any additional information.
With my warmest regards,

Jacqueline Carron
Book « La Couleur : Structure et Audace » (also available in english) Jacqueline Carron, in collaboration with Anne Duriez, preface by Annie Mollard-Desfour Edition : Jacqueline Carron, 2016 A movie recorded by Jacqueline Carron https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x79e8hy or here : http://www.jacquelinecarron.com/video/ Jacqueline Carron (center) at a CFC meeting in 2019 https://photos.app.goo.gl/TQJc7kekLtKsHNSS6 A short paper on an exhibition in 2022 https://ville-nogentsurmarne.com/nsm_agenda/psicolor-la-passion-de-la-couleur-jacqueline-carron/